Soar with the grounding of peers in a group program that applies the Nature Breakthrough Method™ to whatever is holding you back. The objective of this program is to provide tools and mentoring to help you:

  • Walk with a clear sense of purpose.

  • Reconnect to your gut instincts for total clarity on your next step.

  • Feel a renewed sense of enthusiasm for life and work. 


A. 1-hour, private one-on-one kickoff meeting to set scope, priorities, and goals

B. bi-weekly small group sessions to accelerate your success where we will:

  • Reclaim your instincts, brilliance and enthusiasm for life.

  • Discover how your personality type is a pathway to success.

  • Create a timeline so you can execute with confidence.

C. Access to reference and training materials and events, including:

  • New practices and recommended readings .

  • Applications for business, relationships, health and wealth .

  • One entry to the Wild Call Weekend (6-month option includes entry for 2 ).

D. Email support and additional 1:1 sessions can be booked by request, provided that you attend at least 75% of the group calls 

* All sessions take place online via Zoom or other video conferencing tool.

** Unused sessions are not rolled over month to month unless special arrangements are made.

*** Minimum Three-month commitment.